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The information provided by United Charter Consultancy Limited, henceforth UCCL on this website is for reference only. Whilst we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, no expressed or implied warranty is given by us as to the accuracy of the information, any external links provided are for users’ convenience and the information provided is the responsibility of that external source.
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Translations Disclaimer
Translations on UCCL.ASIA website are prepared by the webmaster by the use of available computer translation tools. While reasonable efforts are made to provide accurate translations, portions may be incorrect or require further editing. No liability is assumed by UCCL or the webmaster for any errors, omissions, or ambiguities in the translations provided on the UCCL.ASIA website. Any person or entity that relies on translated content does so at their own risk. UCCL or the webmaster shall not be liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of translated information.
If you would like to report a translation error or inaccuracy or suggest a more appropriate contextual understanding, please contact us using the Enquiry Page and email listed below.